Saturday, January 28, 2012

Sleep in Saturday success!

So Pops and I have made a deal.  We each get to sleep in one day a week (he may choose to golf instead, on his morning.) Anyway I get Saturday and he gets Sunday.  We have been doing this for maybe a month now and I love it!!! He gets up at 6 or 7 whenever the kids do (with minimal poking and prodding.) They get to have a nice morning together until Zoey needs a nap (around 10ish) then he brings her back to bed with me she naps and I start my day! Awesome, I have not slept in this much since college! And the icing on my super morning cake, as I type he is making breakfast, or brunch for us!
We also had a break in the rain yesterday and it turned out to be a good day at Pippi's, the sun is shining today so I hope that it is nice and busy!
I can't wait to stop in today because the Pippsters tell me we got new SockSmith socks!  I know there are some great new designs in there for this season, yay new socks!!!
Happy weekend and I hope some of you got to sleep in too.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

And...two months later...

Well, I completely let the blog go these past few months and after the new year I kept thinking that I would get to it, but I have just not been inspired to write.  So to jump start me into action, how about a montage!
Here goes, the last few months in photos:

 Rowan always the helper, loves doing dishes for me.

At our favorite stop on our rounds downtown.

Zo and the cats are tight.

Zo ate their first real food and was apprehensive.

and not a really a fan at first.

And then it began... Christmas time!
I love the holidays, the cheer and the spirit of giving, I am a big sap for the wonder of Christmas.
So this year was AWESOME!  Rowan was so into the decorations, the stories and soaking in all the magic of the season I really had a blast sharing this holiday with her.

Pippi's holiday window.

Rowan was excited about meeting Santa, but unsure what he meant when he asked what she wanted for Christmas (we didn't talk about getting gifts or the idea that you can ask for specifics, I think she will come to that on her own.) So seeing the confusion on her face he asked if she would like a candy cane...I don't think I have ever seen someone so blown away by a candy cane! She talked about the candy cane Santa gave her for weeks!

Zo's first stroller ride!

This house is two down from us, they play holiday music and the lights flash to the beat!
We walked down to see the lights many nights this season.

Tea time in the yard.

Pops was off work for two whole weeks!  The kids and I tried to soak in all time we could. 
The kids like to start early...

Stockings on Christmas morning.


Play-doh in the yard.

Tea with friends.

Family time.

My sister was home, Yay!
She is back at school again but we had a great visit and Rowan got to play with her wonderful auntie a lot.

And finally the rain is here...we are ready for some puddle jumping!

So, now I am caught up. I hope to keep up a littler better now that the busy season has past.  
Oh my gosh I can't believe I forgot, Zo is totally crawling (all over and that's kind of all they wants to do) and my little girl is gonna be three next month!!!! Can't believe it, but I will probably go into that more later.

All right now I'm done, an odd post, sort of, but that's okay.