I went into this Friday knowing I had a full plate and I was un-sure of what to expect.
For a day that started
rough (it was a shit fest...no literally, it was). After spending 30 precious minutes trying to figure out what to wear (nothing fit right, you know how it goes...) I picked up Zo to change their diaper and it was a poo-sploshion, which I didn't notice until it was too late and my white sweater arm was covered in poo. When I day begins like that I become wary but, the rest of the day was lovely. Rowan, Zo and I went to work at Pippi's. Ro got to play with some friends at the park and Zo took a short nap while I wore tehm. Work was great, sun was shining and our store wide sale kept us busy.
The kids and I left for a afternoon break when Nicole came in.
We recharged at home and headed back for Grammy's book signing First Friday event.
It has been a while since I have been able to hang out and enjoy First Friday at Pippi's usually I am home doing bedtime with the kids. But Pops came down and picked the kids up and took care of dinner and bed for me (yeah, he rocks;) and I was able to mingle with customers, chat with old friends and talk up my Grammy's book, (which by the way is pretty great, and very well suited for young readers age 9 and up.)
Written by Grammy & illustrated by Mom! |
A long day but a good day. Ro and I went back Saturday to support Grammy and mom while they sold and signed more books. Rowan is such a little grown up these days, turning three soon...I am excited to watch her grow but sometimes I miss her baby days too. Anyway I better stop rambling and go help Pops prep for his Super Bowl party. Happy Sunday!