So....It's been a while. My last post was in October, that's not good. Or maybe it is good. Pippi's had a nice busy Holiday, I have spent lots of time with my two sweet kids, and I guess I just let the blog slip to the wayside. (I even had half written drafts that I never posted).
It's a new day.
I am going to start working on my blog agin. I better kick this off with a Pippi Post:
Veggie socks are all the rage this spring. |
It is Spring going on summer and we have a lot of new colorful socks, leggings, scarves and handbags.
A brand new sock line for men and women, Sperry Top-Sider. This line is fun, cushioned and comfy! |
Leggings are perfect for Fort Bragg weather, and we have lots! Come in to check out our variety.
The Hue dotty capri is my personal favorite. |
And my dear local shoppers, it is almost summer time. That means sunshine (after fog) and beach/river days, farmer's market and tourist season!
At Pippi's we so look forward to seeing all of our annual visitors,
(you know who you are we can't wait to see you, hear about how your year has been, and help you replenish your sock drawer!)
But, I know that sometimes driving and parking downtown is a pain for locals who are used to having the town to themselves for most of the year, so come downtown soon locals, re-stock your summer sock drawer before downtown starts bustling! Still, please don't stay away all summer, we will miss you too, and you will miss cool stuff at Pippi's.
Want a little hint of more cool new stuff to come this summer at Pippi's?
Pippi's 7th Birthday Celebration.
Renegade Crafters on First Fridays.
Sock Creature Contest.
Oh and yeah, lots of great socks!
If you want to see all the pictures we take of Pippi's and our socks and fun things, follow us on
instagram we post pictures regularly.
Or follow our
Facebook page for updates, specials, events and more pictures.