Inspired by: Wooly Moss Roots -Simply Joys of a Soulful Life Gratitude Sunday
G r a t i t u d e * S u n d a y
{Sunday's heartfelt tradition. A time to slow down, to reflect, to be grateful. A list of gratitudes.}
So it has been a while since i did Gratitude Sunday, and I think it is about time for me to get back into it.
I am feeling so grateful for:
So grateful for this sweet, happy girl and her joy and tenderness.
For lots of time in the garden with my kids, exploring, playing and learning together.
For time with my whole family.
For quiet mornings and slow afternoons.
For our chickens and the great coop Marshall and my dad built us.
For watching Ro & Zo play with the chickens.
For my now 2 year old baby, who still wants to cuddle with me and be rocked.
For sunshine and beach days.
For a date night with this cute guy.
For all the support I get from my mom, she is always so easy to talk to. And so glad that I have a family I love spending time with.
For summer time.
For busy days at Pippi's, (and more to come.)
For employees who work hard and genuinely care about the shop and our customers.
So grateful to all our local customers who keep our business floating through the slower spring months and all the visitors who boost our business in the summer. Thank you!