Sunday, April 27, 2014

Gratitude Sunday

Inspired by:  Wooly Moss Roots -Simply Joys of a Soulful Life Gratitude Sunday

G r a t i t u d e  *  S u n d a y 

{Sunday's heartfelt tradition. A time to slow down, to reflect, to be grateful. A list of gratitudes.}

This week I am grateful for:

My brother and his family moving just a few blocks away from us.

Time with my kids.


My mom and getting the chance to enjoy her performance with the Mendocino Women's Choir, I look forward to it each year.  They are such a lovely and special group.

My Dad.  He is wonderful, I love spending time with him, and I love watching him with my kids.

Help.  Sometimes it's hard to ask for it, but I feel glad that my loved ones are always there for me when I do.

Walks in the sun.

Art making.

Earth Day festival at the high school.  Another thing I look forward too.  It is always a fun family outing.

Chickens! I love chickens!  We got two new chicks from the Easter bunny, and they are super cute. I am very happy to be adding to our flock.

The look on my kids faces when they saw I had made them some new play-dough, they are now starting their days with play-dough.

Wondering where Zo went and finding them in the laundry room singing to the chicks.

Simple, quite time at home.

Friday, April 25, 2014

this moment

{this moment} - A Friday ritual. A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember.

Inspired by SouleMama

Friday, April 18, 2014

this moment

{this moment} - A Friday ritual. A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember.

Inspired by SouleMama