Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Socktober Sock Drive

Well sock lovers and Pippi friends, as you may remember we have been doing fun Socktober things for quite a few years now at Pippi's.  This year we will be doing a little something more.

Pippi's will be participating in  Kid President's  Socktober event.

We will be having a NEW Sock Drive all month long. 
This is what we are going to do:
100 pairs of the socks we collect will be donated locally to the homeless in our community, everything we collect on top of that will be donated to our neighbors affected by the valley fires.
In addition, Pippi's will contribute 100 pairs of socks on top of  what we collect in store.

We will also be doing our awesome in store raffle (because we love treating our customers!)
You can enter the raffle 2 ways:
Spend $50 in store
Buy a pair of Pippi Socks for our Socktober new sock donation drive.
or you can just go ahead and do both!

The donations will be totaled and donated November 2nd and the raffle winner will be picked.
Happy Socktober, I hope you come in and help us do something awesome!

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Gratitude Sunday

Inspired by:  Wooly Moss Roots -Simply Joys of a Soulful Life Gratitude Sunday

G r a t i t u d e  *  S u n d a y 

{Sunday's heartfelt tradition. A time to slow down, to reflect, to be grateful. A list of gratitudes.}
This week I am thankful for:

The rain.

A lovely birthday gathering for my mom, so happy to spend another year (many more) with her.

Fall, finally I can wear sweaters, tights and cozy socks every day!

The generosity of our community.

The great turn out at the city council meeting!  I am so grateful for all the locals who showed up to support social services in our downtown.

The many opportunities that I have to show my kids that by helping others and getting involved we can make changes in our world.

Making a new curry soup recipe that the whole family enjoyed!

Playing outside with my kids.

Harvesting seeds for next year.

The great teacher and class Rowan has this year.

The opportunity to volunteer in Rowan's class.  Zo came and had an amazing time, and I really enjoyed getting to meet and work with some of the students that I don't yet know. What a sweet group!

Rowan gaining confidence in the social aspect of school.  She has made a few new friends in this class and is feeling pretty happy about it.

For time with my two lovely nieces.

The awesome downtown we have.  Visitors and locals alike tell us at Pippi's all the time what a joy it is to shop here.  I love hearing from visitors that they wait to shop in Fort Bragg because they don't want to support the box stores near them.

The amount of love our customers have for our little sock shop.  Thank you !!!

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

The Segregation of our Downtown

Each day the National news has stories of injustice, brutality and bigotry.

Even now, in 2015 social and racial equality, and justice are hard to come by, even in Fort Bragg.

In Fort Bragg this has become painfully obvious with the group "The Concerned Citizens" of Fort Bragg trying to put an initiative on the ballot to ban all Social Services from our downtown.

Why you may wonder, why in the world would anyone want to do that?

Why would a group of "concerned citizens" ban services that help people who are in some kind of need?

This group of people are the same group that was against the Hospitality House using the Old Coast Hotel as a wellness center. Because they are hell bent on taking the Wellness Center at the Old Coast down, they are willing to take other social services down with it.

The CCFB obviously do not want help the homeless and mentally ill that would use the Wellness center at the Old Coast. They would rather not see them at all. But they have also now attacked every social service that our town offers, (which is a lot.) No social service business would be able to locate, re-locate, expand or move in Fort Bragg Downtown.

Our downtown or the "central business district" is just that. It is centrally located and easy to get to. Yes, we want people to come downtown to shop, bank, eat, and I think to fulfill their social service needs. I do not think that anyone would be served better by having to go, farther, like say, the other side of the tracks, to get services.

I have a businesses in our central business district and I am not worried that helping people will hurt my business. I do not think that our retail and other businesses are so fragile. I bank downtown, walk downtown with my family, and shop downtown, and I am not afraid to do so. I am afraid of allowing people in our community to be treated so unjustly.

If we let this hateful initiative on the ballot , that is just doing this whole town a disservice. Fort Bragg has a reputation of being progressive in helping those in need.  Right now in our downtown we already have social services offered at Parent's and Friends, Art Explorers, Project Sanctuary, and of course the Hospitality House. These businesses would have to stay where they are not move or expand in our downtown, and none of our other great social services would be able to relocate into our downtown.

This initiative is wrong and hateful on so many levels.
If you are approached to sign an initiative please, do not sign it!
We can't let hatred, fear and prejudice make decisions for our city.

Join me, at the next city council meeting.  Let's show the "concerned citizens" of Fort Bragg  and our city council that we do not agree with this measure being put on the ballot. 
The meeting is September 14th at 6pm at Town Hall.
Meet me early and get a button and some more information regarding this issue. 
I will be at  Perfect Circle T'ai Chi at 330 N. Franklin St. at
5:30 pm
, lets walk to the meeting together!

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Gratitude Sunday

Inspired by:  Wooly Moss Roots -Simply Joys of a Soulful Life Gratitude Sunday

G r a t i t u d e  *  S u n d a y 

{Sunday's heartfelt tradition. A time to slow down, to reflect, to be grateful. A list of gratitudes.}
This week I am thankful for:

Days with my little girl.

Reading with my big girl.

New sweetness at Pippi's.

My mom and dad and their 36 years of marriage. 

Dinners from our garden.

Working with like minded folk to bring awareness to local issues.

Craft Fairs.

Face paint.

My brother and his family.

A old friend moving to town.


Our towns Labor day traditions.