Sometimes things don't go as planed, and sometimes if you let it, it can turn out to be something wonderful.
Yesterday, one of the Pippsters called in sick. I got the call at 7am.
We are running the shop pretty thin since I am trying to be on maternity leave(ish). Anyway, Marshall or I had to go in. We decided it would be best, and easiest, if we made it a family work day.
With tot and baby in tow we headed down to Pippi's. It worked out wonderfully. We did some tag team parenting and sock selling and had a great (and exhausting) day. It reminded me how much I like working with my husband, and how much I enjoyed going to my dad's shop with him when I was a kid.
Rowan was awesome, she chatted with sock lovers, and played quietly in her little area and was just as sweet as can be. Zo was also perfect, mostly slept, and nursed, which was perfect.
I am excited to be able to bring my kids to work with me, and hopefully they will enjoy it and think of it fondly too.
Rowan and Pops working at Pippi's. |
P.S. I realize it has been 3 weeks since my last post, and you probably guessed I had Baby Zo. Yup. June 10th, 1:55 am 8lbs 8oz. Woot! Zo is lovely and perfect and amazing. I will be posting more about these past few weeks but if you want to read a great dramatic re-telling of Zo's birth check out my sweet husbands blog post:
Home-Birth 2.0.
(Disclaimer: I look a little weird in some of his pictures, but I did just have a baby, and Marsh somehow thinks I still look beautiful, weird faces and all.)