Friday, July 15, 2011

Lovin' Summer

Lazy days afternoons. 
This summer has been so nice.  I can't remember the last time I got to be home an entire day with no errands to run, no quick (hour +) stops to Pippi's, not much going on except family time.  (It happens sometimes!)  This is the life!  And, it has been sunny so we have been able to spend many of our days outside, hooray!

Rowan and I have been gardening.

Daddy and Zoey can rest their eyes<3.
And we get to picnic!

Hooray for sunny summer time!


  1. Plus, Daddy is watching babies today so I can see Harry Potter!!! Woo HOO!

  2. oh poo! for a second i that was today till i remembered what day it is lol.
