I am the mom of two wonderful kids, the wife to a dear man and the owner of a sweet little sock shop called Pippi's Longstockings. Pippi Sock Mama is a blog on my life, my town , my shop, socks and other random thoughts that I may feel like sharing. I hope you enjoy it.
Monday, July 30, 2012
Our Downtown, don't let it fade away.
Shops have disappeared before our eyes!
Last month when I went in to talk with the owner of Cheshire Bookshop to say goodbye, I cried.
I didn't cry just because I am a business owner, yes the pain of watching a fellow business owner struggle and have to make the difficult choice to close their doors is hard--but I cried because I am sad for what we will soon be missing.
Personally I love walking around downtown and going into stores: I love window shopping, and I love actually shopping. I enjoy talking with shop owners and staff about life, love and their products. I want to know what they like and recommend. In the shops I frequent, they know my taste, my colors, and I love to hear "I thought of you when I saw this." I like that the people helping me ask me how I am doing, how my family is, and they actually care. If you drive over the hill maybe a checker at some big store will ask how you are doing, but are they really asking? Or are they on autopilot?
Sure, sometimes we leave town and shop with my in-laws at huge malls and shopping centers in their community. Sometimes I shop online; but more often than not I make an online shopping cart and leave it. Online window shopping is fun and I can still spend my money in local shops. Shops where I can see the quality and hear real feedback without sorting through reviews online. We have everything here! What do you really need that you can't get locally?
Cheshire was a part of our downtown community for as long as I can remember, and now they are gone. Understuff, also part of our downtown since I was a kid, is shutting their doors. In the past four years alone we have seen many other great shops go.
So I want to shout out to all of the local Fort Bragg and Mendocino folk. If you like a store, and you like going into a business and being able to touch and see what you are buying, if you like having friendly customer service and shopping where the staff knows you and cares about you, shop there, spend a little money when you can. It doesn't take a lot. I love our community, our downtown, and we have to start paying attention to keep it thriving.
When you come into Pippi's and I say thank you, I genuinely mean thank you. Thank you for helping me feed my family, thank you for helping me pay my mortgage, and thank you for helping me keep running a business that I love. I would venture to guess that most of the small businesses in our community feel the same way and are grateful for your business.
It doesn't take much to support your local businesses: check out the 350 Project for more information on how you can support our local businesses and where your money goes when you shop locally. Keep our downtown alive.
One more thing.
There are twelve empty store fronts on Franklin Street. This is crazy--let's not let any more businesses go and let's bring more businesses downtown. So, I implore you, if you have a business idea, a dream of working hard to do something you love, to be your own boss and enrich your community...go for it. Start your own business (or buy an existing established business, Racines and Understuff are both for sale!).
I will be writing a separate post on this later but, really, do it. Opening Pippi's was the biggest, scariest decision I ever made--but it was also one of the best ones.
Sunday, July 29, 2012
Gratitude Sunday
So I decided to join in.
G r a t i t u d e * S u n d a y
This week I am thankful for:
a great night out with the kids. (What?! I know, I did it, I went out without Marshall, left my babies at home asleep and went to a bar for a friends Birthday...it was awesome.)
getting sickness out of our house! (I don't want to speak too soon- knock on wood- but it seems like for the past two weeks a nasty cold just kept getting passed around our house and Baba & Gaga's and back, but I think we beat it!)
my employees, and being able to have employees.
walks, and the friends that loaned us the double stroller, it has been a life saver!
my first little, and very dear brother. He just turned 31, we had a nice birthday dinner with him. I am so grateful to have my brother in my life, (so glad that he lives near us, and that my kids get to see their uncle regularly) and I am so proud of all he has done and how hard he works on himself.
sock reps that will drive to Fort Bragg to show me their lines to save me a trip to the city, and let me invite them to my home where we can work ( also so grateful that he enjoyed my kids running around and grateful for all of Marshall's help that day.
our local swimming pool being open for business again!
Rowan is getting braver each day. It is good to see her being confident in what she can do. She wanted to go in this bounce house/climbing structure (in the past she has not wanted to or gotten frightened as she went in) But this time she climbed in among some pretty big kids - I was a bit nervous - and not only did she enjoy it and hold her own, she did it probably ten times!
watching Rowan draw stick figures!
my dear husband, encouraging me to take a few hours to myself.
and my hot water bottle which has been soothing my back this week, I'm not sure what is going on with my back but yay for hot water bottles!
and for talking with other business owners and brain storms and ideas.
Zo starting to talk! This week they said very clearly "All done", "nigh nigh dada", and not as clear but we new what she was saying "baby". Zo is also sings the Imperial march with pops!
a lovely week.
Friday, July 27, 2012
This Moment
{this moment} - A Friday ritual. A
single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple,
special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and
Inspired by SouleMama
Sunday, July 22, 2012
Gratitude Sunday
Inspired by: Wooly Moss Roots -Simply Joys of a Soulful Life Gratitude Sunday
{Sunday's heartfelt tradition. A time to slow down, to reflect, to be grateful. A list of gratitudes.
This week I am grateful for:
Farmer's market. I love Rowan's excitement when I say where we are going and her little song about honey sticks.
Berries from the garden. Rowan (and Zo now) pick most the berries as the get ripe but I enjoyed a few and they are lovely.
Daddy being home.
Feeling caught up.
Watching daddy play with the kids.
Taking Ro out for some special mommy time.
Flowers, bees & butterflies. It's been nice to watch them in the garden.
My parents, & their listening & sharing.
Customers! It has been pleasantly steady at Pippi's this week.
Making time with my hubby to talk, drink wine and give energy to each other after the babies are asleep.
New socks! SmartWool socks just came in, it's our first fall order and it's lovely!
Being able to use our well water to the fullest now that we have a sprinkler and drip system!
What are you grateful for this week?
So I decided to join in.
G r a t i t u d e * S u n d a y
This week I am grateful for:
Farmer's market. I love Rowan's excitement when I say where we are going and her little song about honey sticks.
Berries from the garden. Rowan (and Zo now) pick most the berries as the get ripe but I enjoyed a few and they are lovely.
Daddy being home.
Feeling caught up.
Watching daddy play with the kids.
Taking Ro out for some special mommy time.
Flowers, bees & butterflies. It's been nice to watch them in the garden.
My parents, & their listening & sharing.
Customers! It has been pleasantly steady at Pippi's this week.
Making time with my hubby to talk, drink wine and give energy to each other after the babies are asleep.
New socks! SmartWool socks just came in, it's our first fall order and it's lovely!
Being able to use our well water to the fullest now that we have a sprinkler and drip system!
What are you grateful for this week?
Friday, July 20, 2012
This Moment
. . . . . . . .
{this moment} - A Friday ritual. A
single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple,
special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and
Inspired by SouleMama
Monday, July 16, 2012
Quakes and Tremors...
Sometimes something makes you think.
Another person may not even pause or think about it but this time, for you, you stop and take a measure of things...
Last Sunday morning at 5:00am we had an earthquake, not a big one but it felt big too me. Woke me up. I was already cradling Zo in my arm but I jumped up and all I could think of was checking on Ro. Ro, who didn't even wake up...I was carrying Zo so daddy brought Ro up into bed with us. At least then I had everyone together. Of course, I didn't really go back to sleep, I tried, but couldn't (Zo couldn't settle back down either, maybe they were picking up on my feelings). Who knows why I couldn't settle back to sleep, nerves, the energy left from the quake or a brain that just wont quiet down; for me probably all of the above!
Now maybe having been 9 years old and in the bay area for the '89 earthquake, has made me a bit sensitive and nervous about earthquakes. The Tsunami that hit out friends in Otsuchi does not help with that either. I worry about things way outside of my control, like natural disasters and crazy stuff that people should probably not really think about. But, I still do...
Anyway this made me think about something. I want my family in arms reach, if my kids need me I want to be right there; night or day. Rowan sleeping alone has worked pretty well. We have a monitor, dad is up late and goes in if she has a bad dream. She likes her own bed and she has been in her own room since she was around one (mostly). We moved her to her own bed when we all started loosing sleep. Sometimes I miss our snuggles but she has not wanted to come to bed with me any more when I have asked (she's growing too fast!)
But, Daddy went out of town Wednesday. I usually can't sleep at all with Marsh gone and I could not relax with Ro in another room so I started bringing her with me when I went to bed, (and aside from a sleepless night with Zo being sick) it has been very nice. Ro has been asking me now, "Will you take me with you when You go to bed?" <3.
Of course sometimes I long to sleep for eight hours straight which never happens when sleeping with a nursing baby, (maybe with a toddler) but it is so much easier for me to relax surrounded by my babies. When Daddy comes home maybe we will go back to our regular routine, maybe not. But I know I am glad to have these sweet moments while I can, and the quake was a reminder to me, to keep my family close.
Did you feel the quake? How did you feel? Did it make you think?
or Do you have a family bed?
Another person may not even pause or think about it but this time, for you, you stop and take a measure of things...
Last Sunday morning at 5:00am we had an earthquake, not a big one but it felt big too me. Woke me up. I was already cradling Zo in my arm but I jumped up and all I could think of was checking on Ro. Ro, who didn't even wake up...I was carrying Zo so daddy brought Ro up into bed with us. At least then I had everyone together. Of course, I didn't really go back to sleep, I tried, but couldn't (Zo couldn't settle back down either, maybe they were picking up on my feelings). Who knows why I couldn't settle back to sleep, nerves, the energy left from the quake or a brain that just wont quiet down; for me probably all of the above!
Now maybe having been 9 years old and in the bay area for the '89 earthquake, has made me a bit sensitive and nervous about earthquakes. The Tsunami that hit out friends in Otsuchi does not help with that either. I worry about things way outside of my control, like natural disasters and crazy stuff that people should probably not really think about. But, I still do...
Anyway this made me think about something. I want my family in arms reach, if my kids need me I want to be right there; night or day. Rowan sleeping alone has worked pretty well. We have a monitor, dad is up late and goes in if she has a bad dream. She likes her own bed and she has been in her own room since she was around one (mostly). We moved her to her own bed when we all started loosing sleep. Sometimes I miss our snuggles but she has not wanted to come to bed with me any more when I have asked (she's growing too fast!)
But, Daddy went out of town Wednesday. I usually can't sleep at all with Marsh gone and I could not relax with Ro in another room so I started bringing her with me when I went to bed, (and aside from a sleepless night with Zo being sick) it has been very nice. Ro has been asking me now, "Will you take me with you when You go to bed?" <3.
Of course sometimes I long to sleep for eight hours straight which never happens when sleeping with a nursing baby, (maybe with a toddler) but it is so much easier for me to relax surrounded by my babies. When Daddy comes home maybe we will go back to our regular routine, maybe not. But I know I am glad to have these sweet moments while I can, and the quake was a reminder to me, to keep my family close.
Did you feel the quake? How did you feel? Did it make you think?
or Do you have a family bed?
Sunday, July 15, 2012
Gratitude Sunday
Inspired by: Wooly Moss Roots -Simply Joys of a Soulful Life Gratitude Sunday
{Sunday's heartfelt tradition. A time to slow down, to reflect, to be grateful. A list of gratitudes.}
This week I am thankful for:
Having the time & luxury to just "mommy" for a few days uninterrupted.
Being able to work at the shop and get things done; I have been able to work so much more regularly with Marsh home my to do list is getting finished almost daily, this lets me be so much more present when I am home.
Being able to bring Ro to Pippi's with me, it was lovely. It also helped me decide on more of a plan for working & mom-ing this fall.
Getting to spend some one on one quality time with each if my kids.
Marshall being able to go to Comic Con and for me being able to be here with my kids. At first I was feeling stressed about this week, it is the longest he has ever been away, but it was so nice to have special mommy and daughter time.
Good talks with good friends.
Fun yard sale-ing with my babies and some cool finds!
Playing make believe...because imagination is awesome.
My mom who helps me in so many ways.
My amazing Dad who spent his weekend irrigating my yard, (Get this, I invited him for dinner and he says sure I wanted to help you do you drip system anyway! What! Who does that...my Dad <3 yeah, he rocks).
Farmer's Market... & blackberries.
Sweet cuddles with my kids.
Silly-ness, laughter & dancing...we have been swimming in these this week.
Energy, to be here for my kids, stay productive and to re-fresh our home space with some re-arranging.
Beautiful days.
Being able to sit in the warm morning sun watching my kids play and the bees bumble.
Marshall coming home soon<3.
So thankful for this good life.
G r a t i t u d e * S u n d a y
This week I am thankful for:
Having the time & luxury to just "mommy" for a few days uninterrupted.
Being able to work at the shop and get things done; I have been able to work so much more regularly with Marsh home my to do list is getting finished almost daily, this lets me be so much more present when I am home.
Being able to bring Ro to Pippi's with me, it was lovely. It also helped me decide on more of a plan for working & mom-ing this fall.
Getting to spend some one on one quality time with each if my kids.
Marshall being able to go to Comic Con and for me being able to be here with my kids. At first I was feeling stressed about this week, it is the longest he has ever been away, but it was so nice to have special mommy and daughter time.
Good talks with good friends.
Fun yard sale-ing with my babies and some cool finds!
Playing make believe...because imagination is awesome.
My mom who helps me in so many ways.
My amazing Dad who spent his weekend irrigating my yard, (Get this, I invited him for dinner and he says sure I wanted to help you do you drip system anyway! What! Who does that...my Dad <3 yeah, he rocks).
Farmer's Market... & blackberries.
Sweet cuddles with my kids.
Silly-ness, laughter & dancing...we have been swimming in these this week.
Energy, to be here for my kids, stay productive and to re-fresh our home space with some re-arranging.
Beautiful days.
Being able to sit in the warm morning sun watching my kids play and the bees bumble.
Marshall coming home soon<3.
So thankful for this good life.
Friday, July 13, 2012
This Moment
. . . . . . . .
{this moment} - A Friday ritual. A
single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple,
special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and
Inspired by SouleMama
Monday, July 9, 2012
New K-Bell Awsomeness
Have you been waiting? New K-Bell socks are here, woot!
The lovely and practical basic roll tops 3 for $12. New novelty, Soft & Dreamy and super yummy new stripes (yes yummy, the colors actually make my mouth water!)
Here are some pictures to give yo a taste of what we just got in, but you will have to come in to really check them out, and get them while you can!
See you soon at Pippi's.
It's a little hard to see in this picture, but K-Bell sent us some sweet sock photos too! |
The lovely and practical basic roll tops 3 for $12. New novelty, Soft & Dreamy and super yummy new stripes (yes yummy, the colors actually make my mouth water!)
Here are some pictures to give yo a taste of what we just got in, but you will have to come in to really check them out, and get them while you can!
See you soon at Pippi's.
K-Bell women's wall<3 |
New K-Bell men's too! |
Sunday, July 8, 2012
Gratitude Sunday
Inspired by: Wooly Moss Roots -Simply Joys of a Soulful Life Gratitude Sunday
This week I am grateful for:
My family, (my little pea pod and my extnded family).
Friendships. Thank you to my lovely friends for listening, laughing and being there.
Creative, plans and ideas.
Being inspired by my husband <3.
Dreaming, while asleep & awake.
Working & planing to make our dreams real.
This week I really felt connected to the people in my life and I love that, and I love the way it feels to be inspired and empowered.
Also very grateful that the earthquake this morning, although it felt big to me, was not so big and so far it seems it did no damage.
What are you thankful for?
So I decided to join in.
G r a t i t u d e * S u n d a y
{Sunday's heartfelt tradition. A time to slow down, to reflect, to be grateful. A list of gratitudes.} This week I am grateful for:
My family, (my little pea pod and my extnded family).
Friendships. Thank you to my lovely friends for listening, laughing and being there.
Creative, plans and ideas.
Being inspired by my husband <3.
Dreaming, while asleep & awake.
Working & planing to make our dreams real.
This week I really felt connected to the people in my life and I love that, and I love the way it feels to be inspired and empowered.
Also very grateful that the earthquake this morning, although it felt big to me, was not so big and so far it seems it did no damage.
What are you thankful for?
Friday, July 6, 2012
This Moment
. . . . . . . .
{this moment} - A Friday ritual. A
single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple,
special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and
Inspired by SouleMama
Thursday, July 5, 2012
Some days I just want to dig.
Sigh. Good sigh.
When I need a breath these days, I find myself sneaking outside (or wrangling the kids and giving them water and dirt to keep them busy while I try to be...me) to dig; sit in the yard, pull a few weeds and just be...outside.
It feels so nice, it relaxes me and somehow, fulfills me. I love seeing the changes in the garden this time of year, something new everyday. Some how, my veggie patch (which usually thrives, is not doing stellar this season), but my flowers are going strong.
It is our fifth year in our home, some of my first plants are getting really big, my cecile bruner is so big I've gotta build it some thing to climb! And something that I thought was lost came back, after two years, my orange Calla Lilly's are back (which was an extra happy surprise since it is our wedding flower.)
This years new berry patch is doing great...I don't know about the raspberries they look a little
What do you do for yourself, with or with out kids, to stay happy and to feel like yourself?
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
Happy 4th!
Happy 4th!
Independence Day. We all celebrate in different ways. This year we are
lucky to have friends visiting and we will also have some family over
for a BBQ after the parade! I hope you all enjoy your day.
Monday, July 2, 2012
Summer's First Adventure
Back to the place where it all began...
Big Sur was where Marshall and I went for our first camping trip together (four months into dating), and the first place we have taken each of our kids camping too.
I can't say camping with toddlers is relaxing, in fact I can tell you it is not! No longer do I get to lounge about and read book after book and hike unencumbered... but it is so much fun to watch kids make discoveries in nature and have freedom to be, with out toys and distractions. I loved being unplugged for the week, and loved seeing my kids be dirty and adventurous. Okay, I would not have minded if Zo was slightly less adventurous; my little one year old does not realized he needs more stability to say...balance on a log or run down a hill, but I guess she's still pretty close to the ground so she can't do too much damage!
Marshall's parents, his brother and our nephew joined us for the first three nights. We did of course roast marshmallows, and mommy indulged in many smores which to my surprise Rowan was not interested in!
We did some walks/super mellow hikes with the kids, and ended up carrying both kids eventually, each time; Next time we invest in another ergo or hiking pack for tots!
As per usual Zo woke with the sun (at 5:50 on the dot each morning). I know Grandma, Grandpa and Uncle Sean were super happy about that... But, we did not miss any day light and I tell you truly, I like starting early, Marsh made us coffee and we sort of lazed around in the morning and then went adventuring. The weather was perfect.
So, our first summer adventure was a success, woot!
If you want to see some more pictures and read a different take on the trip check out my husband Marshall's blog post.
Do you have a special place that you travel to year after year? Or a summer family tradition that you look forward to?
Big Sur, CA 2002. |
Big Sur was where Marshall and I went for our first camping trip together (four months into dating), and the first place we have taken each of our kids camping too.
Rowan's first camping trip 15 months. |
Zo's first camping trip 13 months. |
I can't say camping with toddlers is relaxing, in fact I can tell you it is not! No longer do I get to lounge about and read book after book and hike unencumbered... but it is so much fun to watch kids make discoveries in nature and have freedom to be, with out toys and distractions. I loved being unplugged for the week, and loved seeing my kids be dirty and adventurous. Okay, I would not have minded if Zo was slightly less adventurous; my little one year old does not realized he needs more stability to say...balance on a log or run down a hill, but I guess she's still pretty close to the ground so she can't do too much damage!
Marshall's parents, his brother and our nephew joined us for the first three nights. We did of course roast marshmallows, and mommy indulged in many smores which to my surprise Rowan was not interested in!
She liked roasting the marshmallows but not eating smores! |
We did some walks/super mellow hikes with the kids, and ended up carrying both kids eventually, each time; Next time we invest in another ergo or hiking pack for tots!
Because this solution, although creative in a pinch, did not cut it! |
Good morning sunshines!
Good morning sunshines!
As per usual Zo woke with the sun (at 5:50 on the dot each morning). I know Grandma, Grandpa and Uncle Sean were super happy about that... But, we did not miss any day light and I tell you truly, I like starting early, Marsh made us coffee and we sort of lazed around in the morning and then went adventuring. The weather was perfect.
If you want to see some more pictures and read a different take on the trip check out my husband Marshall's blog post.
Do you have a special place that you travel to year after year? Or a summer family tradition that you look forward to?
Sunday, July 1, 2012
Gratitude Sunday
I saw my good friend Kat's Gratitude post
Inspired by: Wooly Moss Roots -Simply Joys of a Soulful Life Gratitude Sunday
Inspired by: Wooly Moss Roots -Simply Joys of a Soulful Life Gratitude Sunday
So I decided to join in.
G r a t i t u d e * S u n d a y
{Sunday's heartfelt tradition. A time to slow down, to reflect, to be grateful. A list of gratitudes.}
This week I am grateful for:
Big Sur sunshine.
Rowan's new found love of climbing...trees, rocks or hills.Rivers & rocks.
Zoey's babbles turning into words.
Coming home to a clean house, well cared for pets and watered garden...thanks Kylie!
Employees who can wonderfully manage the store while the boss is away.
So grateful for customers who keep coming back, be it annually, or weekly I am so lucky.
Kiddie pools.
Connecting, It is hard to slow down sometimes but I was so glad to be able to sit with Marshall this week and have a nice long talk...yes the kids were asleep...thankful for that too!
Strawberries from the garden, so yummy!
& Productivity!
What are you grateful for?
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