Sunday, July 21, 2013

Gratitude Sunday

Inspired by:  Wooly Moss Roots -Simply Joys of a Soulful Life Gratitude Sunday

G r a t i t u d e  *  S u n d a y 

{Sunday's heartfelt tradition. A time to slow down, to reflect, to be grateful. A list of gratitudes.}

 I missed a week again, but life has been wonderfully busy.

I am so thankful for these past five days. It was just me and my kids.  We didn't work, we didn't plan much, we didn't have a car, we took it slow, just enjoyed each other and it has been lovely.

I am also so thankful for,

Wonderful neighbors.  We were given some super yummy zucchini from our dear next door neighbor, and our neighbors across the street helped clear our front yard of tree debris!

Things falling into place.

A wonderful, fun-filled visit with my in-laws.  And the first long distance drive we didn't have a child barf in the car!

We took the kids to Gilroy Gardens. They had a blast!

Spent a lovely day with Grandma and Auntie.

Thankful to live in a place near the ocean and that hot is in the 70's!

My mom.  She helps me so much with so many different parts of my life. She helps me balance.

Thankful for help finding a home for our rooster.  We were sad to see him go, but I think the neighborhood is grateful!

Also for:


This friendship <3.

These two... always together <3.

I am thankful to get to visit with my sister soon.

To have an opportunity to do some art for my Grammy.  

To have a dear husband who tells me how much he misses me every day that he is away.

Thankful that he will be home tomorrow.



  1. sounds like a great week.:) love all the pictures

  2. I am always grateful for time with my family too.
