I was inspired to make a Sock Advent calendar this year. It is so easy and so cute! I made this one to display at Pippi's using a lot of our holiday and seasonal socks for men and women.
The cool thing about this is you can make it with recycled materials (finally a use for all those single socks!). Or, you can purchase 12-24 new socks (for yourself your kids or the whole family) and get new socks as you count down to Christmas!
I like to fill my advent calender at home with fun family holiday activities like:
Make cookies with mom,
decorate a ginger bread house,
go on a walk after dark to look at the holiday lights,
drink hot chocolate with a candy cane to stir it,
watch a holiday movie,
send letters to Santa,
make an ornament... the list goes on.
I also like to include little treats for the kids but the sock advent calendar is a cool way to do both. Activities and treat for their little feet!

So use your old socks or come on into Pippi's for some cute new socks for they whole family.
If you want to make this yourself all you need is:
12-24 clothespins
(12 because 24 pairs of socks takes a lot of space I would just switch my numbers after we got threw the first 12 days to save space)
We also have cute painted clothespins at Pippi's!
12 pairs of socks (or 24 singles)
paper (for your numbers)
and a glue stick.
I printed my numbers then cut and pasted them to red construction paper.
After I hung my socks with my clothespins I just taped the numbers to the twine and ta da... Cuteness!
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