G r a t i t u d e * S u n d a y
{Sunday's heartfelt tradition. A time to slow down, to reflect, to be grateful. A list of gratitudes.}
This week I am grateful for:
Painting a rainbow on Pippi's window. Not only do I enjoy painting our shop windows, but I feel so happy when I look at it.
Another day of rain and enjoying my time in it with the kids.
Mud pies.
Sunshiny bike ride days.
Swimming with the kids.
Intense hugs.
New spring leggings.
Make believe.
A new washing mashing (ours was nothing but trouble, after only 18 months, trying to have it fixed and then it shredding my clothes...I was done.) Canclini Appliance locally was wonderful, I highly recommend them.
A day of work in the yard with my husband.
Getting ready for spring.
Morning cuddles.
Play, play, play.
For things feeling right.
For turning 34 this week and loving and appreciating my life more as I age.
For being blessed with wonderful parents, siblings, and my lovely little family too.
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