G r a t i t u d e * S u n d a y
{Sunday's heartfelt tradition. A time to slow down, to reflect, to be grateful. A list of gratitudes.}
This week I am thankful for:
Days like this:

And this:
Days with unexpected sunshine.
Being behind in my blogging due to a very busy couple of weeks. Good busy.
Summer vacation (for my hubby and kids, and the masses) being nearly here.
Lovely customers brightening my day.
A fun pirate party for my little pirate kid.
My extended family growing. I am super excited to have a new niece or nephew in a few months!
My dear employee, who is covering for me cheerfully while I am home sick today. And
Tuesday so I can spend all day with my baby on her birthday.
My little kids being so sweet while I have been not feeling to well for a few days. And my Hubby taking the kids out when he got home, letting me rest, and bringing me home some yummy soup.
Creative problem solving.
My kids helping me be in the moment.
A busy fun summer to look forward to.
My little brother coming home for a while, and for his support and inspiration. I look forward to many family gatherings.
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