Sunday, July 26, 2015

Gratitude Sunday

Inspired by:  Wooly Moss Roots -Simply Joys of a Soulful Life Gratitude Sunday

G r a t i t u d e  *  S u n d a y 

{Sunday's heartfelt tradition. A time to slow down, to reflect, to be grateful. A list of gratitudes.}
This week I am thankful for:

A productive work week.

Lots of family time between Pippi time.

New Sock Smith Socks.  There are just so many good ones!

Over the knee owls, cats and foxes, I'll take one of each please...

Watching my kids learn, and be able to do so much on their own.

Having the time to overhaul and clean the coop this week.

Sunflowers, getting taller by the day.

Marsh working so hard this summer to get our back yard closer to my dream garden.

Sitting out in the yard together in the morning and enjoying the morning sun.

Farmers market.  My favorite treat is the caramel goat cheese with fresh is amazing!

Artichokes in the garden.

Books with the kids.

Long family walks.

Evening bike rides.

Putting my feet up.

Sister time fast approaching.

Sunshine daydreams.

My new favorite spot for my morning coffee.

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Gratitude Sunday

Inspired by:  Wooly Moss Roots -Simply Joys of a Soulful Life Gratitude Sunday

G r a t i t u d e  *  S u n d a y 

{Sunday's heartfelt tradition. A time to slow down, to reflect, to be grateful. A list of gratitudes.}

This week I am thankful for:

Lots of visitors to Fort Bragg.

So much sock love.

Summer weather.

The possibility of a rainy winter.

My special helpers at Pippi's.

So much new stuff at Pippi's!

New Bungalow 360...Llama bags, yes please!

Sock it to Me is just in with a bunch of new designs.

We also re-stocked Tabbi Socks, Biella, Hue, and Foot Traffic.

As well as some new sweetness from Compendium.  What Do You Do With An Idea? Is one of the kids favorite books, and Compendium just released these little toys...the kids were so excited when they saw them and knew right away they were "ideas".   Zo has been sleeping with the little idea every night. 

My favorite part of the book:
"But then I realized, what do they really know?
This is MY idea, I thought. No one knows it like I do.
And it's okay if it's different, and weird, and maybe a little crazy."
New Sock Smith socks on the way!

New boot toppers from Little Boot Peep, in fresh summery patterns. 

Long explorations with the kids.

Trips to the park and of course the library.

Story time.

Bike rides.


Sweet cuddles from my kids.

Bedtime stories.

A chance to read my own books.

Camp week quickly approaching... Thank goodness! This is the vacation I look forward to all year.  No electricity, just family, the river, the woods, and a couple of good books... it doesn't get any better than that.

Coop garden.

Fresh eggs.

Daddy coming home from Comic-Con.

Time with two of our dearest friends.

Baby cuddles.

These two:

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Gratitude Sunday

Inspired by:  Wooly Moss Roots -Simply Joys of a Soulful Life Gratitude Sunday

G r a t i t u d e  *  S u n d a y 

{Sunday's heartfelt tradition. A time to slow down, to reflect, to be grateful. A list of gratitudes.}

This week I am thankful for:

This week is a special week for me.  Marshall goes to Comic-Con (for the past 4 years) and I take some time off work and have a stay-cation with my little loves.  It is one of my most favorite weeks of the year. We make it special and we just enjoy each other.  So I am so grateful to have this special time with Ro & Zo.

Rowan's stories.  I love that the first thing she does in the morning is either read, draw or write a story.

Art projects.  I love that we can sit down and spend hours being creative together.

Peg doll fun.

After painting these they went straight to moving them into the doll house.

Long walks.

Movies with friends.

Even though we got rained out at the park, so grateful for that rain.

Visits to the library, and enjoying books with my kids.

Garden time.


So many cuddles.

Inheriting hand me down furniture from my parents.

Lots of visitors to Fort Bragg, Pippi's has been busy and so much fun!

All the new socks we have been getting in, (I will try to do a new stuff post soon!)

Our fun downtown.  We just love walking around downtown even when we are not shopping.  Enjoying the shop windows and of course the kids "secret garden" next to city hall.

Lazy mornings.

Time with my parents.

And even though we are having fun, I am grateful Marsh will be home soon, I miss that guy.  <3

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Gratitude Sunday

Inspired by:  Wooly Moss Roots -Simply Joys of a Soulful Life Gratitude Sunday

G r a t i t u d e  *  S u n d a y 

{Sunday's heartfelt tradition. A time to slow down, to reflect, to be grateful. A list of gratitudes.}

This week I am thankful for:

My wonderful, supportive, caring dad.  I am so lucky to have a father and role model like him.

My equally wonderful husband.  He is a loving dad works hard for our family and is a great role model for our kids.

My mother and father in law.  We don't get enough quality time together, but we spent the last week together and it was really nice.

Fun times with family and friends.

Plenty of adventures this summer.

Watching my kids jump right into new things and love it.

They climbed almost to the top of the rock wall!

Exploring and hiking.

Lots of swimming in the heat. Lake swimming is the best!

Time in the woods.

Zo and all their collections.  (Rocks being the main one but also, pine cones, leaves shells, and just about anything they can pick up).

The garden progress we have made so far this spring/summer.

The kids excitement over any food we grow.

Also the growth in the garden!

Hard work paying off.

Days outside.


Chicken love.

Games and family time.

Food from the garden.

Looking forward to a few different family visits we have coming up this summer.

New stuff at Pippi's!  Socks, bags and headbands too!

A new employee at Pippi's, I am so excited for her to join the Pippsters!