G r a t i t u d e * S u n d a y
{Sunday's heartfelt tradition. A time to slow down, to reflect, to be grateful. A list of gratitudes.}
This week I am thankful for:
Hot tea on cold days.
Foggy mornings.
The days we have a little extra time before school, and all Rowan wants to do is hop in the front seat and read to me while we wait.
Kindness from friends and neighbors.
Zo always wanting to help. Their new favorite thing to do is quiz Rowan on her spelling words...although illustrating all the words for Zo to "read" is it's own challenge!
Trips to the library.
Adventures with my kids. In our one mile walk down town, hereafter known as "our long journey", we found a mystery, possibly solved it, and almost found a portal into a magical world.
Creative kids.
Helpers in the kitchen.
Getting ready for a busy Black Friday and Small business Saturday. I hope everyone will remember to shop local and bring their visiting friends and families downtown too!
Beginning the shop holiday decorating, it really gets me into the holiday spirit.
A great meeting with Rowan's teacher.
Cute school pictures.
The amazing teachers and staff at Redwood school, I feel very lucky that my kids get to be in such a caring environment.
Surprise visits with Grammy and cousins.
For the kids and hubby having this week off of school.
Sweet conversations of day dreams and ideas.
These sweet and silly kids, they remind me every day how lucky Marshall and I are.