G r a t i t u d e * S u n d a y
{Sunday's heartfelt tradition. A time to slow down, to reflect, to be grateful. A list of gratitudes.}
This week I am thankful for:
Being well received.
Planning changes.
Small heroes.
Morning coffee.
And coffee with a friend.
Business feeling less over whelming.
New socks, and new sock lines. (Stance we have been anticipating for over a year...so come and get your Stance socks while you can, they are the official sock of the NBA!)
Writing new orders for spring and fall 2016!
More cozy snuggle socks.
Wigwam socks are becoming one of me favorites, cozy and retro cute!
Friends at the library.
A very successful final story time with Grammy, 13 kids showed up for the last one, if only she was here year round!
Cousin play time.
The first "late night" movie for the kids. (It was a 6:45 show, we went with a buddy, the kids were so tired at the end, they passed out as soon as they climbed into bed.)
Another happy week of swim team for Rowan.
Lazy weekends.
Morning cuddles.