Sunday, May 28, 2017

Gratitude Sunday

{Sunday's heartfelt tradition. A time to slow down, to reflect, to be grateful. A list of gratitudes.}
This week  I am thankful for:

My mom always helping me out when I get in a pinch. (A Pippster was sick and I couldn't get out of the shop to pick up the kids from school, Gaga to the rescue!)

Being able to help out a dear friend and hang with her awesome kid after school!

This community.  It is so nice to feel supported by, friends, customers and other businesses.

Marshall being so generous and loving, (even when I am just a big bundle of stress).

Beautiful sunny days.

Getting to work on the yard.

And...I haven't posted a Gratitude post since mother's day...

I am so grateful to be a mom to these dear kids of mine.

A beautiful Mother's Day, my family was super sweet to me.

Having the time to sit and read with the kids.

Playing card games with my little's before bed...they are so silly we laugh the whole time.

The teachers that are with my kids everyday, they are the best people and I feel lucky every day that we have such amazing teachers.

A wonderful visit with Marshall's parents. 

The great community event, A Day in the Park.  The kids had a blast.

Fun with science experiments. 

Great open house at the school.

Watching Rowan sing with the second grade chorus!

Watching these two lovelies grow.

And eleven years in business at Pippi's!

Thursday, May 25, 2017

Celebrate Eleven Years of Pippi's Longstockings with Us!

All our loyal customers we love you and thank you.
You have supported Pippi's for eleven  years.
You have made it possible for me to have employees, a home, time with my family, swim and karate lessons for my kids, birthday parties, trips and vacations.
Thank you I couldn't do this without you!
In celebration of our 11th year in business...

Please join us for our extra special thank you party with
Donuts and Discounts from 9-10am Friday May 26th.
9-10am 30% off store wide and gifts with purchase. We can't wait to see you!

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Spring at Pippi's

It's a real spring in Fort Bragg this year.  We've got rain, we've got wind and we've got beautiful sunny days.

I don't know if the weather will make up it's mind this year but I know I have made up my mind, it is officially spring at Pippi' for a moment of sunshine and rainbows stop in!

We have so many beautiful socks, hats, bags and wallets in stock right now the store is definitely my happy place.

and...I have displays in rainbow order all over the shop.

I must have all the beautiful colors...

Our spring hats have arrived. There are hats for everyone.
Sun hats, gardening hats, truckers, base ball hats and hats for guys too.

Latico leather wallets and bags in unique styles. 
(And of course great vegan leather options too from Pistil and Bungalow.)

Sunglasses for just $12, cause if you are anything like me you'll need at least two pair!

I hope to see you downtown soon.

Sunday, May 7, 2017

Gratitude Sunday

{Sunday's heartfelt tradition. A time to slow down, to reflect, to be grateful. A list of gratitudes.}
This week  I am thankful for:

My kids, I am just savoring all the moments. (Well, most of the moments.)

My family, they are so supportive and understanding, I couldn't be luckier.

My dear friends, I am so happy to have such an amazing inspiring group of women to call my friends.

The quiet moments.

Being on the coast, surrounded by beauty and opportunity to enjoy it.

The women in our community, running businesses, being artists and supporting each other.

Being able to see Stefania Richelson in action.  The kids and I had a blast at her photo shoot. She was so amazing and her photography is beautiful, click the link for a peek at her Instagram.

Our amazing community.  I was blown away by the hard work that so many parents put into the 1st annual Fort Bragg Color run, and equally awed by the support from the community.  I am so glad I was able to help and participate!

We had so much fun running as a family in the color run, I can't wait until next year. The pictures are too good not to share!  Here are some of my favorites: