{Sunday's heartfelt tradition. A time to slow down, to reflect, to be grateful. A list of gratitudes.}
This week I am thankful for:
My mom always helping me out when I get in a pinch. (A Pippster was sick and I couldn't get out of the shop to pick up the kids from school, Gaga to the rescue!)
Being able to help out a dear friend and hang with her awesome kid after school!
This community. It is so nice to feel supported by, friends, customers and other businesses.
Marshall being so generous and loving, (even when I am just a big bundle of stress).
Beautiful sunny days.
Getting to work on the yard.
And...I haven't posted a Gratitude post since mother's day...
I am so grateful to be a mom to these dear kids of mine.
A beautiful Mother's Day, my family was super sweet to me.
Having the time to sit and read with the kids.
Playing card games with my little's before bed...they are so silly we laugh the whole time.
The teachers that are with my kids everyday, they are the best people and I feel lucky every day that we have such amazing teachers.
A wonderful visit with Marshall's parents.
The great community event, A Day in the Park. The kids had a blast.
Fun with science experiments.
Great open house at the school.
Watching Rowan sing with the second grade chorus!
Watching these two lovelies grow.
And eleven years in business at Pippi's!
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