G r a t i t u d e * S u n d a y
{Sunday's heartfelt tradition. A time to slow down, to reflect, to be grateful. A list of gratitudes.}
This week I am thankful for:
- Time with my kids.
- The chance to visit with my Grandma. I rarely get to see her because she lives out of the country and spending time with her (although I wish it could have been longer) was wonderful. Watching her with my kids was priceless. Also, when they would say "Mamacita" (that's what we call Grandma) my heart would melt a little, it was very sweet.
- Time with dear friends.
- Garden time and fresh tomatos, I can't get enough.
- Quality time with my dad this week. He's pretty awesome and we don't spend a ton of one on one time so that was nice.
- Game night! For the first time in so long Marshall and I went out with friends and played board games, it was so much fun!
- All the love and support my husband gives me.
- Watching Ro enjoy her first ballet lesson.
- Waking up with my little Zo cuddling me, and kissing my cheek and saying "I got you!"
Families are great to spend time with!