Sunday, November 2, 2014

Gratitude Sunday

Inspired by:  Wooly Moss Roots -Simply Joys of a Soulful Life Gratitude Sunday

G r a t i t u d e  *  S u n d a y 

{Sunday's heartfelt tradition. A time to slow down, to reflect, to be grateful. A list of gratitudes.}

This week I am thankful for:

My lovely and kind employee at Pippi's.  Rachael goes above and beyond and I am so grateful to have her here.

This up coming season.  At the shop it will be busy (which I love even when it's hectic.) And even with the busyness of work this time of year, I LOVE the season.  The traditions and all the family time I look forward to it so much.

Pumpkin carving.

Many days of Zo this week.

A nice morning with my mom this week.

The opportunity to help in Rowan's class for their harvest party.

For getting to watch Rowan take care of her little sibling and kindly help with the activities at the class party.  I am also so grateful that the teacher let Zo participate, they enjoyed it so much.

My crafty and creative little kids who love making things with me.

For being able to make their costumes for them so they could be what they imagined.  Also for them wanting to help.  They may not be the most patient customers or crafters, but they are the sweetest.

For Zo letting me do the Octopus as a "Socktopus". ( I was very excited about that one!)

Our first family theme Halloween.  The kids decided on the theme.  Well they decided on their costumes and that I had to be their "mommy mermaid" ... graciously, daddy agreed to be our Aqua-Man.

A great Halloween night with some lovely friends.

My little starfish who lead the way. And our sweet little friend who joined us.

After deciding to basically let the kids gorge themselves on candy Halloween night  that they seem to have forgotten about the candy by Saturday morning. (Whew.)

The start of our gratitude tree.

Getting some organization done around the house.

The start of rains and a bit cooler weather.  (I am d so glad to be wearing a big cozy sweater right now!)

A very successful first Instagram contest for Pippi's.  And a very happy winner.

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