Sunday, May 31, 2015

Gratitude Sunday

Inspired by:  Wooly Moss Roots -Simply Joys of a Soulful Life Gratitude Sunday

G r a t i t u d e  *  S u n d a y 

{Sunday's heartfelt tradition. A time to slow down, to reflect, to be grateful. A list of gratitudes.}

This week I am thankful for:

New socks!

This downtown business community.

Friends and strangers coming together to help our city.

Mini golf with the family and the golf team.

Sock creatures.

And the way kids love certain toys so much.

Zumba with my friend!

Swimming with my kids. 

Being able to unplug and be with my family.

Chicken fun.

Garden time, we are working hard to get our back yard ship shape.

Summer fast approaching...I can't wait for long slow days with my kids.

The power of positivity. 

The busy season kick off starting a little early this year! Looks like it will be a fun and busy summer in town.

Pippi's being next to my favorite sandwich shop!  I have been "forgetting" my lunch salad lately...

That we are going to be able to get a family membership to CV Starr for the summer. I am so excited!!!

Great gatherings of family and friends.

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

What's With All the Signs?


You may be wondering:
What's up with the signs in Pippi's windows?
Why is Pippi getting political?
Where are all the sock and Pippi family updates?

I am worried about the future of Fort Bragg if this recall happens.
I am worried for what I feel is right, for democracy, for my family, for my town, and for my livelihood.
To protect these things, I feel this recall cannot happen!

Even if it weren’t my dad that some are trying to recall—we just re-elected him! It will cost us $20,000 of our tax dollars.  I am worried about the direction our city will go if my dad, Dave Turner, is removed from the city council. We have a strong city council now with a strong vision for the city that I think can only improve our town.
If people try to recall members of the city council each time they disagree with a vote, what kind of democracy is that? What a waste of time, money and energy! Let's let the council worry about the future of our city, not about their seat on city council.

This is my opinion, and I don't expect my employees to have to explain my stance to everyone who comes into Pippi's. (Sock questions, however, please ask away!)
So the Pippsters will be handing out this information to anyone that asks:

This business does not support the recall of Mayor Dave Turner.

We believe in elections.

We believe that it is our duty to defend the votes of the 920 people who put Mayor Turner into office 7 months ago.

We believe that Mayor Turner has upheld the oath of his office and has earned our respect through the thoughtful and informed decisions he has made as a council member over the past 12 years.

We believe that this recall is without grounds and makes vague and unsubstantiated accusations against Mayor Turner.

We believe that for democracy to be effective we elect officials who are willing to listen to and observe the needs of our entire community, not just the loud, angry, wealthy, or influential.

We believe that Mayor Turner is the right person for the job and we give him our full support.

Please join us in NOT signing the recall petition.

visit for more information. 

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Gratitude Sunday

Inspired by:  Wooly Moss Roots -Simply Joys of a Soulful Life Gratitude Sunday

G r a t i t u d e  *  S u n d a y 

{Sunday's heartfelt tradition. A time to slow down, to reflect, to be grateful. A list of gratitudes.}

This week I am thankful for:

Nine wonderful years in business, thanks to my awesome customers and wonderful employees over the years.

Fort Bragg downtown and all the lovely some new, some young, many female shop owners (don't get me wrong the guys are cool too.). It is pretty awesome what we are bringing to our community!

New wild socks at Pippi's.  (Everybody needs cat and dog faces floating through the galaxy on their socks right?)

A nice open house at Redwood school, we are lucky to have so many great teachers.  Rowan is getting excited for first grade!

Getting a couple beginner chapter books for Ro at the book fair, which she promptly read. 

Our broody chicken, who has accepted the chicks we tucked under her.  It did take two nights...but she is mothering them sweet!

My little kids who love animals so dearly.

Time spent with friends.

Being able to put on a baby shower for one of my best friends.  (Also thankful for all the help!)

Watching my two little water dogs swimming with each other, (I do mean Ro & Zo).

Time to talk with other mamas.  It feels good.

Our garden finally getting somewhere.  The seeds I planted have sprouted up and our berry bushes are getting fruit.

Our Farmers Market. I love walking around and seeing so many friends and customers.

Feeling so much support from our community.

Customers (near and far) reaching out to me with words of encouragement this past week.

Making the time with a fellow business owner to speak with many of our neighbors downtown.  I am glad it was a mostly positive experience.

My dear Zo was a trooper this week.  Mommy had a lot to do and they kept up with me and was such a good little helper.

And lastly, I am do grateful for the overwhelmingly positive response to my No Recall signs in the shop windows.  I am so grateful that my customers are so supportive and understanding. 
It is hard to get political in business usually it is a policy to not go there, there is a risk upsetting or alienating someone.  But to me this issue is just to important to the future of our town.  Thank you for your support my dear customers, whether we agree or not I appreciate your understanding. (Thankful that my customers are just the best!)

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Nine Years of Pippi's!

Another year has flown by!  It is Pippi's 9th Birthday!
We've come a long way...Or just a ever you want to look at it.

This is where we started...In a 200 square foot space in front of Flobeds, with a sign my dad carved and I painted.

Nine years has seen a lot of change and growth for Pippi's, our shop expansion, the coming and going of Pippsters, my family and my two sweet kids, and for our  downtown.  I am so happy to be a part of this community.  And I thank you, dear customers, from the bottom of my heart for your ongoing support over the years.

 You have moved with us.

 You have celebrated the seasons with us. And you spend your holidays with us.

You have watched my family grow.  You have been more than supportive when you walked into Pippi's and found a me not just working but parenting as well.  And I love that. 

Heck, you guys even buy art work from the kids when they set up shop in Pippi's!

I love keeping you and your friends and family cozy and in cute socks all year round. 
I love hearing about you and your kids, your growing and changing family. 
I love seeing the kids who were tots when we opened growing up and now in middle school!
I treasure sharing my life you and I am so grateful that you let Pippi's be a part of yours.

So thank you for being a part of Pippi's.  You keep us going, changing and growing.

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Gratitude Sunday

Inspired by:  Wooly Moss Roots -Simply Joys of a Soulful Life Gratitude Sunday

G r a t i t u d e  *  S u n d a y 

{Sunday's heartfelt tradition. A time to slow down, to reflect, to be grateful. A list of gratitudes.}

This week I am thankful for:

My sweet, kind funny kids.

Our supportive community.

Kindness of others.

Friends that offer a helping hand, a listening ear and kind words.

Rain while the sun was still shining.

Time with my kids.


Good talks with friends.

Customers who love Pippi's and tell us all the time, I am so grateful for all of the continued support.

Compassionate friends.

Curiosity.  There may be millions of questions a day from these littles of mine, but they are working so hard at understanding life and the world, it's pretty amazing.

Quality time with my husband.

Reminders from the universe to take things as they come and roll with the punches.

Time outside, digging in the dirt.

Catching bugs and garden snakes.

Lots of new stuff at Pippi's.

Being able to  rework the walls and the displays to fit our new inventory, so much cuteness!

We have re-stocked Tabbi AGAIN! I guess you guys love their socks as much as I do!

And a sure sign of summer approaching, our first order of new sunnies!

Tuesday, May 12, 2015


When my dad, Dave Turner was re-elected for his 4th term on city council this past November, it was a close and contentious race.  When it looked like he might not have enough votes, people stopped me on the streets and flooded Pippi's because they were so surprised and upset--the thought had not crossed their minds that he might not be on our city council.  Thankfully he was re-elected, and when that news came, people again came into the shop to talk with me about how overjoyed they were that he was on our city council. 

So for all of you amazing, lovely people who recognize all the good that my dad has done for this city, and for those of you who see and value how tirelessly he works to improve this beautiful place we live:

You need to know, Dave Turner has been served recall papers. 

A small group has decided that because they are unhappy with his vote to support the new wellness center moving into the empty old coast hotel building, they would like to overturn OUR vote—the majority vote which re-elected Dave Turner just five months ago.

I know that this small mindedness is not the majority of our amazing community. 

In our town:
We see people struggling, we try to help.  We do what we can.
We are a different type of city.  When one of us hurts we all hurt.  We genuinely feel for each other.  I have seen this time and time again.  When our town faces tragedy, heart ache or loss we pull together, and we take care of each other.

That is why I am so proud of our city council and my dad for doing their best to help our community in need by offering transitional housing, mental health services and services to help people move out of homelessness.  People need this - we need this.

I cannot believe that some in our community have let their fear, hatred and personal prejudices drive them to try to recall my dad because of his vote to help people

I am disgusted by the disrespect. (Not just the disrespect for my dad, but yes that angers me too.) The disrespect this group has for our community.  This community elected Dave Turner.  We elected him, because we believe in his work, his morals, and we believe that he will do what he thinks is best for our community.  Our whole community, which happens to include the homeless along with the rest of us.

Please be aware this group needs 792 signatures of voters within the city limits to get the recall on the ballot.  Tell your friends, tell everyone:  No recall.  Do not sign this petition, not only will it be a waste of $20,000 of our tax dollars, it will hurt our city to lose Dave Turner.  No one, and I really mean no one works as hard as this man does.  I have watched him for 35 years and never in my life have I met someone with the work ethic, drive and integrity that he has.  If you have worked with him you know he has a passion that drives him  - a passion to work hard, to  help people and improve our city.  Every decision he makes on city council, he has researched. He educates himself on the issues and yes, he  listens to the community.  It is his job to then digest all that information and make an informed decision for our whole community.  If he had succumbed to the threats and taunts from this group of outspoken opponents—if he had pandered to a self-appointed vigilante minority who literally threatened his vote with recall—if he had swayed his vote away from what he believed to be right and instead stooped to the easier vote—what would THAT say about his integrity?

Dave Turner votes for what is right and not what is easy. The least you can do is hold yourself to the same standard. Let bullies know that they cannot threaten their elected officials in order to sway their votes. Not the good ones, anyway.

Do the right thing. Stand up for Dave Turner. Stand up for yourself. Stand up for our city. Say it with me: NO RECALL! 

Gratitude Sunday

Inspired by:  Wooly Moss Roots -Simply Joys of a Soulful Life Gratitude Sunday

G r a t i t u d e  *  S u n d a y 

I didn't get a chance to publish this yet so here is my late Sunday post:
{Sunday's heartfelt tradition. A time to slow down, to reflect, to be grateful. A list of gratitudes.}

This week I am thankful for:

Employees that care.

Being present at a lovely couple's beautiful wedding.  So happy to be there.

My kids.  I love their cuddles and hand holding.
Dear friends.

Sharing the book "The Secret Garden" with my kids, they love it as much as I do.

My mom who is amazing, caring, supportive, funny, dear, creative and honest.  I love her so much!

All the sweetness from my kids and Marsh this Mother's Day.

All that my family does for me.

My dear husband helping build my dream yard piece by piece.

Having enough left over wood from past projects that we were able to use scrap wood and windows to build these garden beds.

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Gratitude Sunday

Inspired by:  Wooly Moss Roots -Simply Joys of a Soulful Life Gratitude Sunday

G r a t i t u d e  *  S u n d a y 

{Sunday's heartfelt tradition. A time to slow down, to reflect, to be grateful. A list of gratitudes.}

This week I am thankful for:


Time spent together.

Kids who eat flowers for fun.  It's edible she tells me as she giggles...(Not to worry it is indeed edible, they both know the edible flowers in our yard).

Rowan getting over her flu pretty quickly, and none of the rest of us catching it!

Marshall being able to get a sub when Ro was sick, so I was able to get to work and make my meetings that day.

Our city council voting in favor of a transitional housing and wellness center going into downtown Fort Bragg. I am happy that we will be able to offer more help to those in need in our community.

Being able to go with the flow when life throws us a curve balls.

Adventure time with Zo.

That Zo happily hangs out so I can take my friend's zumba class, (I am uncoordinated, but it is so fun!)

Independent bookstore day.  The kids and I headed to Gallery Bookshop in Mendo for their super fun event! They offered coffee and donuts while we waited for them to open. There was a scavenger hunt, Battle of the Books, and special items for sale one day only! It took the kids like 2 hours to pick out books but a good time was had by all.

Also apparently it was free comic book day at Blaqk  Door, so when daddy got home the kids headed out with hims for free comics!

Being able to have my kids at the shop.  It is not always easy but I am grateful for the time with them.

That I have siblings and that I have given that gift to my kids.  There is something about being with or talking to a sibling that  I just find nowhere else.

The joy a box can bring.  Hours of fun.

 That I live so near my parents.

That my mom and dad have such a dear relationship with the kids.

All the customers at Pippi's who enjoy and appreciate my kids when I bring them to the shop.

My landlord, who stops in to play with Ro and Zo.

That right now  the special treat that Ro and Zo request while they are working with me is getting a sandwich from Mark.  I am lucky to have such great neighbors and seriously we love his sandwiches!

Customers who genuinely care about Pippi's, my family and the Pippsters. 

Seeds spouting in my garden.

Misty days, watering my garden, every little bit helps.

Summer fast approaching.