G r a t i t u d e * S u n d a y
{Sunday's heartfelt tradition. A time to slow down, to reflect, to be grateful. A list of gratitudes.}
This week I am thankful for:
This week has been, crazy busy but also crazy good. I feel exhausted but happy.
We had a nice treat this week with a visit from the best man in our wedding, and happy news that he will be moving here!!! Hooray!
We also had our annual visit with my grandma. She gets to the states once a year, and I am always grateful to spend time with her.
Catching up with my aunts as well, I always enjoy our talks.
We got lots of boxes with great socks in this week. Hint... novelty bamboo socks from Socksmith... Trust me, you will want them all.
We got many new, reusable, grocery and gift bags as well.
That Zoey's close encounter with a wooden swing only left her with a few scratches.
Family gatherings, the laughter at the kids table, and watching cousin shenanigans. (It reminds me of the Turner cousins when we were small.)
My little reader. She follows one of my favorite rules, never leave the house without a book.
Grandma and Grandpa Carr visited this weekend as well, and we had a blast. Grandma and Rowan also found a few good books at The Bookstore downtown.
Grandpa and Zoey went on a crazy ride...of course a good time was had by all.
Sisters, walk to schools, sunny days and silly faces.
Finally a bit of time to catch up with my mom.
Back to school night at Redwood, it is a great school with so many sweet teachers.
Great big zucchinis in our garden, and tomatoes turning red.
I hope that next week is a bit more mellow but just as full of love.