Monday, April 27, 2020

Sheltering in Place Means.... We Launched a Website!

Well it's a whole new world and it looks like we are going to be adjusting to a distanced lifestyle for a while at least.  That means I guess I had to stop being so stubborn and launch a web page so Pippi's can survive this and hopefully get by until we can open our doors again.

I have been taking the county and state orders very seriously because nothing is more important to me than the safety of our community and our family.  As a non-essential business we closed our doors as soon as the order was given by the county and started to try to sell things via direct message. While this method is not one click easy, it is still the same great personalized customer service that we always give at Pippi's Longstockings, and I am happy to do that anytime.  But to stream line the process for many we are going to try to do this website thing.
All masked up grabbing socks from the shop to ship to customers.
For now we are launching with a very limited selection of what we have in store and we will add to it bit by bit.  We have care packages and some of our best sellers to start and of course are happy to help all of our customers via direct message if what you want is not yet online.
Check out our new website and send some sock love to your favorite folks!

Sunday, April 26, 2020

Gratitude Sunday

{Sunday's heartfelt tradition. A time to slow down, to reflect, to be grateful. A list of gratitudes.}
This week  I am thankful for:

The health and wellness of my family.
Talking, video chats  and games with our extended family, so grateful that we have technology to keep us connected during this time.

A garden that I can unplug and unwind in.

My kids and their resiliency.

The support and understanding Marshall has for me, so grateful he is my partner through all of this.

Time to read books.

The jump start this pandemic has given me to get a website in the works.

Friday, April 24, 2020

This Moment

{this moment} - A Friday ritual. A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember.

Inspired by SouleMama

Welp...It's Been a While

Well Sock lovers, it's been a while.   Some of my loyal customers have been asking me when I was going to do another blog post and well I guess the time is now. 

We are sheltering in place, staying home, keeping safe (and we have been for over a month now) so what better time then now to get back at the blog!

What am I up to?

A lot and not that much all at once, I 'm sure many of you can relate. The mental work of this pandemic situation is intense, and I think that's why it's taken me a month to get past doing anything more than surviving, caring for the family and filling the sock orders that folks need.

Thankfully, my husband Marshall, is a teacher so he is still getting paid right now and he is working from home. So he works lesson planing, doing meetings and being available to students 8-4 most days with many days students and colleagues emailing him after those hours too...
(I'm finding it's nearly impossible to have work/life balance while sheltering in place because everything is all mushed together.)

While Marshall is doing his work from home, the kids are doing their school from home and I am assisting them with school work, PE, art,  online play dates/google hang outs. Between feeding the family, helping with school, bike rides, baking and garden adventures, I am trying to sell socks via social media. 

Whew...It's a lot actually.  Thankfully, you wonderful sock lovers have been reaching out and contacting me to ship your loved one packages or do a curbside pick up and it means the world to me. I miss seeing everyone in the shop, but your heartfelt messages, words of support and your sock orders help us tremendously during these strange days.  Stay safe  & Stay Home Sock Lovers! And stay tuned for some exciting Pippi's news!

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Gratitude Sunday

{Sunday's heartfelt tradition. A time to slow down, to reflect, to be grateful. A list of gratitudes.}
This week  I am thankful for:

My family's safety.

Getting to shelter in place with my 3 favorite people.

Virtual hang outs with the extended Carr family.

Watching my kids have fun distance/virtually playing with my sister (who is on the east coast).

Morning routines.

Fresh fruits and veggies. (We have been trying to avoid the store so buying enough for 3 weeks at a time but that last week there was slim pickings for fresh fruit and veg).

The teachers in my kids lives who are working so hard to make distance learning work.

The free lunch foods from the school district, there is good stuff in there and it really helps stretch the grocery budget.

All the support from customers near and far reaching out to us and ordering during these strange days.

Being able to chat with other business owners who are also trying to figure out what being a small business owner is going to look like in this new world.

 And re-painting the window this week.