Thursday, May 28, 2020

Retail in the time of Corona

Retail in the time of Covid-19, it's not easy.  We are doing Curbside right now and in June will be opening the store to one customer at a time, but it is just not the same without actual, consistent foot traffic downtown.  Thankfully we have the website going now and that is helping too, but folks if you want Fort Bragg downtown to be here when this is all done, we need our customers to continue to support us even if it's not shopping as usual. 

This week we will be at the shop for curbside pick ups 12-4 Wednesday, Friday and Saturday.  Give us a call during those hours and we can help you over the phone and you can come on down and pick up your order.  So even if you don't see what you want online we can still help you.
Next week we will start letting customers in again. Our hours will be 12-4 Wednesday
 - Saturday.

Our store has many areas that are too hard to keep 6 feet apart and we don't want to monitor folks space so we will let one masked customer in at a time.

We will have a table in front of the door that we will move aside when we are ready for you to enter.
We ask you not to enter if you have a fever or feel at all unwell.
We will have a no touch hand sanitizing station for you to use before you come in.
We ask that you do not move your mask down off your nose and mouth while in the store.
We also have to ask you to not touch items unless you plan on buying them.

The county is making it our responsibility to ensure safe conditions in our store so we will be depending on you to help us with that.

Pippi's is only open because I have one employee able to work right now.  The rest of us including me have children at home and can not work the hours we normally do.  I will be going into work but Elyse will be doing most of the days that we are open to customers.  Keeping her and myself safe is my number one priority. If she or I gets sick Pippi's will be unable to open for weeks.

Not being able to be open and even now just being able to open at a limited capacity, with people still sheltering in place and travel restrictions, it is not business as usual.  We are looking forward to being able to have a store full of happy sock shoppers again but those days may not be too soon. 

Help us through this time please, by being understanding, we are all struggling, we all have personal things going on as well as trying to figure out how to make our livelihoods work.

Our hours will be limited.
We will make NO exceptions to mask wearing in our shop.
If you can not wear a mask for any reason, we are happy to help you over the phone and have your things ready for pick up and we can help you from the door way.
Pippi's inventory may not be what you have come to expect. I can not order as much as I usually do because we are selling a fraction of what we normally do.  Please be flexible and we hope to come back stronger and better than ever!
See you downtown, or online socks lovers!

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