Sunday, May 20, 2012

New, Bright & Springy at Pippi's

Wondering what's been going on at Pippi's? Bright & Sunshiny ... That's what it feels like in Pippi's lately.  We have been getting in lots of new styles for spring and summer and there is still more to come.
Here is a peek at some of our yummy new merchandise!

Arm warmers in every color. Gift items too; kids books, thank you card sets & cute monkeys!

Sun Hats, in straw, ribbon and colors, colors, colors!

Scarves galore!

Knit headbands <3

Baby legs & more hats...

And of course... socks, socks and more socks!!!!

And now I'm headed home for dinner with the family and to check out this solar eclipse!
So, come visit us here at Pippi's soon and enjoy your night!
So finally getting to publish this post a bit later so here is a picture of us enjoying the eclipse:

 Good night!


Wednesday, May 2, 2012


Spring is here and I am loving being outside with the kids again.  Windy or not we have been spending time in our garden each day.
In the last week we have started a berry patch ( I am all ready dreaming of fresh berries, and pies this summer; maybe some jam too!) And, yesterday Rowan and I started work on a snap pea tee pee! It should be pretty great.  Our veggie bed is well underway and I will be adding some more to that soon. I am soaking in all this time with my kids and just loving it.
Little Zo is walking (and she's not even 11 months yet!) Some days I feel myself being sad to leave the baby stuff behind she is almost a toddler, and when did that happen?  But, watching the friendship between the kids bloom is pretty wonderful.
I just checked my camera and apparently I have been too busy enjoying these moments to take pictures.  I will post pictures of our garden soon and do a post about the shop soon too!
I hope you all are enjoying the sun and spring, and I hope you come visit us at Pippi's soon!