Sunday, March 29, 2015

Gratitude Sunday

Inspired by:  Wooly Moss Roots -Simply Joys of a Soulful Life Gratitude Sunday

G r a t i t u d e  *  S u n d a y 

{Sunday's heartfelt tradition. A time to slow down, to reflect, to be grateful. A list of gratitudes.}

This week I am thankful for:


My mom giving me some plants.


Getting to work in the garden this week.

Walks with friends in this beautiful place we live.

Being able to reach out and talk to other local shop owners.  I love that we can be so cooperative in our little community.

Coffee Hot chocolate dates with my little girl.

A great new sock line in the store.

The spring re-fresh happening at Pippi's.

A Tabbi Socks re-stock, and lots of other new cuteness.

A date with the Hubby and a movie.

Watching Marsh plan for our first weekend away (just for us) since having kids.  (It's almost our 13th anniversary ...8th wedding anniversary...he is so excited and I can't wait to see what he has planed!)

Park time.

A lovely bridal shower for a wonderful person.

Photo booth fun.

Easy Sunday mornings.

Checking on my kids and seeing this.  Can't get any better then a elves reading right?

Board games with my kids.

Quite cuddles.

Bedtime stories.  (Even though at the kids bedtime I am often running low on energy, I love tucking them in and reading them their bedtime story.)

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Gratitude Sunday

Inspired by:  Wooly Moss Roots -Simply Joys of a Soulful Life Gratitude Sunday

G r a t i t u d e  *  S u n d a y 

{Sunday's heartfelt tradition. A time to slow down, to reflect, to be grateful. A list of gratitudes.}

This week I am thankful for:


Nice walks.

Swimming with my kids.

The opportunity to have some lovely quality time with my kids this week.

Skies like this when I am doing my morning chores.

Reading bedtime books with them.

The continued kindness and support that I have been getting from so many in our community regarding this post.

Seeing so many locals and visitors downtown this Saturday for the Whale festival.

Happy kids using their gift certificates at Pippi's!

My sweet niece turning 11, and the way Ro and Zo adore her!

Spending a nice afternoon with the extended family.

Looking forward to Rowan's first play date with one of her new Kindergarten friends.  (Seriously, I'm not sure she can contain her excitement any more!)

The constant singing from Zo. (Melts my heart.) The constant questions...well they are so


My hard working hubby.

Yummy salads.

And a good excuse to head down to Mendocino this week, and have that fire pot soup I was craving!

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

A picture is worth 1,000 words take three.

Step into spring with Pippi's!

Spring is fast approaching.  The grass is getting green and it is nearly time to start my spring veggie patch. At Pippi's we are getting fun new things every week.  Come into see it all, but here is a little peek:

New spring Bungalow 360 wallets and bags.

Latico wallets and purses. (I love the new colors!)

Hot Sox has tons of new cuteness in their spring line.

Of course Hue tights and leggings in floral and basic patterns.

SockSmith socks are wonderfully playful and lovely this spring.

And as I am sure you know in Fort Bragg we have to charge for bags, but Pippi's has lots of inexpensive reusable bags perfect for shopping or for gifts.

So happy spring and see you soon at Pippi's!

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Gratitude Sunday

Inspired by:  Wooly Moss Roots -Simply Joys of a Soulful Life Gratitude Sunday

G r a t i t u d e  *  S u n d a y 

{Sunday's heartfelt tradition. A time to slow down, to reflect, to be grateful. A list of gratitudes.}

This week I am thankful for:

Beautiful morning skies.

Some really positive people showing support at the last city council meeting, it was refreshing and encouraging.

Also civil discourse.

A little bit of rain.

Sewing projects with my kids.

Watching their creativity.

The pride they take in their work.

The love for life that they have.

A little bit of a crazy week with sick and vacationing Pippsters made me so thankful for being able to have employees.  I love Pippi's, but being able to pick my kids up from school and be with them as much as I can is such a gift.

For my mom jumping in without hesitation to pick up the kids from school and bring them to me or babysit while I worked the shop.

Lovely customers who came in a chatted with me this week. 

35  years of life.

A lovely birthday spent with my family.

Sweet surprises from family and friends.

And so many beautiful moments.

The place my brother took me for lunch has had me craving more ever since. (Mendocino Cafe- Fire Pot with shrimp and noodles oh my gosh I could eat it every day!)

A lovely walk with my best friend.

This beautiful place we live.

This crazy busy week was so good, busy but so good. I am grateful that even though it was go, go , go, it was filled with family, friends and beauty.

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Gratitude Sunday

Inspired by:  Wooly Moss Roots -Simply Joys of a Soulful Life Gratitude Sunday

G r a t i t u d e  *  S u n d a y 

{Sunday's heartfelt tradition. A time to slow down, to reflect, to be grateful. A list of gratitudes.}

This week I am thankful for:

Community support.

All the awesome people who love and shop at Pippi's.

Writers like Norma Watkins, and this blog post she wrote.

Evenings like this.

Mornings like this.

Moments like this.

And like this.

Beautiful days outside. 

Being able to play in our yard again.

Spring socks.

Family time.

Swimming with my kids.

Being busy with so many good things.

My family.  My mom and dad who are always there for me.

My dear husband, funny guy, worry wart and friend.

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

If You Care About Fort Bragg

I am a small-business owner and the mother of two little kids, and I still want to be like my dad when I “grow up.” As many Fort Bragg locals know, my dad is my mentor in business. He has run his own business successfully for 36 years, and I aspire to do the same. At the same time, he somehow managed to balance his marriage and to raise his four kids—never missing a swim meet or a basketball game—and I aspire to do the same. My father raised us all in Fort Bragg, where he was born. I came home to raise my own kids in Fort Bragg too. I now manage my own business in downtown Fort Bragg—just like my dad. Fort Bragg is the perfect home for my business and family.

But my father also does something I could never do: my dad is the mayor of Fort Bragg. He has been elected to our city council four times, and been elected mayor four times. For 15 years he has worked hard to help the people of our community. When cities all around the country were going bankrupt in the last economic downturn, my dad’s vision and leadership kept Fort Bragg not only afloat, but also growing. He has helped with many projects we use and enjoy every day: the trestle, the new coastal trail, the beautification of downtown, the C.V. Starr Center. He played a large part in keeping the community college on the coast, and he always considers the needs of the less fortunate members of our community.

However, the last few months have been an emotional struggle for me. I have watched my dad’s character being attacked, seen his actions and motives being questioned. It has been horrible to witness my dad being treated so badly. And yet many locals do not even realize this is going on. Many people voted for my dad, put their faith in him, and moved on with their daily lives, knowing that they have a good person in office who will use his good judgment to help our community.

Here’s what’s going on:

This past election was the first time in 12 years that a Fort Bragg city council election has been dirty and disgusting—and the attacks haven’t stopped. A very loud group of people tried very hard to campaign against my dad in this election, because he did not support the attacks on the city manager. They are upset that he is still on council and once again Mayor. They have continued to attack him, his integrity, his livelihood, and his family. And now, only three months after the election, they are talking about a recall.

For months my dad has asked me to not get involved and to just be his silent supporter. And I know he asked this so that I would not be caught in any crossfire. And while I appreciate the thought, I can no longer stand by silently while one group of negative people threatens to tear him down. Especially now that a recall is being threatened. This is my town and my community. I care about it, and it is my livelihood. I think we need my dad, Dave Turner, on this city council to keep steering our town in the right direction. The direction of healthy growth, positive change, and helping one another.

I will no longer stand by and let fear tactics and slander hurt our town.

If you support my father, Dave Turner, if you love what he has done for our town, stand by him now, show your support, let the people who are on city council know they have your support and show the naysayers that you have Dave Turner's back.

The next City Council meeting is March 9th. It will be at the newly renovated Town hall. Please come see the beautiful renovations and show your support for Dave Turner. There will be a reception at 5:30 and the city council meeting will start at 6pm.

Please, come to the city council meetings every now and then—the first 30 minutes are Public Comment. Let's not let the negative people dominate every meeting as they have been doing since August.

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Gratitude Sunday

Inspired by:  Wooly Moss Roots -Simply Joys of a Soulful Life Gratitude Sunday

G r a t i t u d e  *  S u n d a y 

{Sunday's heartfelt tradition. A time to slow down, to reflect, to be grateful. A list of gratitudes.}

This week I am thankful for:

Family support.

Family love.

People who are willing to help those in need.

 Learning to read.

Sunshine on the coast.

Bike rides with my kids.

A lovely afternoon with my parents during our bike ride break.

Bike tune ups from my dad!

My sweet birthday girl.

Book love.  The apple didn't fall far from the tree.

Happy customers visitors and local.

A Beautiful and thoughtful gift from a Pippi regular.

Great 6 year old birthday party.

P.J.'s and Pancakes were a big hit!

Awesome ice cream cake from Cowlicks!!!

My dad surprising us by mowing our lawn! What a gift!

And a day playing in the sunshine with my kiddos.